What Happened in May

What Happened in May
Portrait of Kevin Peters
Kevin Peters

At getworkrecognized, we try to be as open as possible with the development of our platform. You, the customers, should trust us and we want to give back by being open. We will release monthly blog updates about what happened on the platform because Self-Reviews are important.

In May, not as much happened as we would have wanted. But overall, progress was made and we are coming more near and near to bringing the project to a stable version and finally charging customers for using us.

New Leadership Principle Templates

In May we introduced two new Leadership Principle Templates. One is based on LinkedIn’s Top 2020 Skills that include:

  • Creativity
  • Persuasion
  • Collaboration
  • Adaptability
  • Emotional Intelligence

We plan to write a detailed Blog Article describing these principles in more detail to give you an overview of what they mean exactly. Stay tuned.

Another Leadership Principle Template is for GetYourGuide. They are specially designed for the Marketing department. They include:

  • Impact
  • Leadership
  • Strategy & Innovation
  • Analytics
  • Execution
  • Creativity

Of course, all these templates are open to the public and can be used by anyone. Feel free to signup for the Beta to test these out.

Email Reminders

One of the key features of the platform is incentivizing customers to actually track their notes. Email reminders that you can set up under the profile page will help you to actually write your notes down. You can configure a time right now and our service will write you a daily email that will remind you to write things down. Keeping the tracking of work achievements consistent is a part I personally always struggled with. The email reminders are helping me to keep track. And they might be helping you too.

Currently, we still send emails on the weekend but this will change soon. We will also recognize public holidays and let people configure more granularly on when they want to receive reminders.

New Blog Article

In May we also released a new blog article about how to escape the loophole when you are not getting promoted. It basically talks you through the problems and steps to get to the promotion after getting a promotion denied. Worthwhile tips that act as a TODO-list in the end in case you want to get the promotion finally. You can read it here.

Changelog Page

A new page that was created, is the changelog page. On this page, you can see what changed in the getworkrecognized application. It is starting with the changelog since the 31st of May and we try to keep it as open as possible. Building trust is, as mentioned earlier, and with the changelog, we are open to what is happening. This especially gets important during the closed Beta that we have right now. So head over to our Changelog and see what has changed recently.


User signups are an important number. For the beta 19 people signed up already and it is getting more and more every day. We have to admit that around 50% of these people are friends or colleagues but we are looking forward to having all these users onboarded soon. We will work with the early user feedback and try to make everyone as happy as possible. Creating custom Leadership Principle Templates and extending the Product / Experience.


The future is important. For June our main goals are:

  • Bring getworkrecognized streaks live
  • Stripe Implementation & Pricing Updates

getworkrecognized Streaks

One of the features that will keep everyone going is the getworkrecognized streaks. These streaks will work similarly to the Duolingo streaks but regarding tracking your work. The first version will be kind of simplistic but we plan to roll it out with an automatic vacation calendar, weekend ignorances, and similar. The future will also have rankings with colleagues and friends. We will see how this works out.

Stripe Implementations & Pricing

One big change we are doing to the platform will be the Stripe integration for subscriptions. Currently, the platform does not support any signup with a subscription in mind. We will use Stripe to handle all of this and will also update the pricing. One of the most important things is that there will be no free plans anymore. We need to make money with this application and giving it out for free would not be really profitable considering it actually helps people with their promotions and potentially huge salary raises. On this note, all signed up beta users (even not onboarded) will receive free lifetime access. So sign up for the tool now if you have not.